

CarboNet SpecialOps offers integrated chemistry, automated dosing, and data feedback to help operators run lean and stay profitable.

Data-driven water treatment.

The problem: Operators are in a catch-22 with water treatment:

  • They have to constantly babysit make-down and dosing to avoid bad flocs gumming up the system and shutting down operations...
  • But their operations are spread across dozens of sites, making it costly to crew and manage every site, every day.

The result? The chemistry goes sideways and they absorb constant hits to the P&L—losses that could be avoided if they were able to track and manage treatment remotely.

CarboNet SpecialOps was designed to solve this puzzle, offering operators the chemistry, pumps, sensors, and data to understand their sites and ensure operations runs smoothly and profitably.

  • CarboNet made its name with SimpleFloc—a no make-down flocculant that dramatically reduces CAPEX, OPEX, and emissions.

SpecialOps expands that impact with remote sensing and predictive monitoring, helping:

  • Boost efficiency: Optimize chemicals using real-time data to avoid under or over-dosing, gummed up tooling and shut-downs, and permit breaches.
  • Improve planning: Use data from across your sites to create benchmarks and measurable KPIs that improve your planning, budgets, and performance.
  • Cut costs: Use data to pinpoint wasted materials and underperforming equipment. Use remote sensors to manage more sites with less crew.


Reporting and data visualization

“I sleep at night knowing my guys aren’t running around managing peroxide, mixing poly, adding coag... and constantly adjusting dosing. CarboNet makes things a LOT easier.”
Midstream Operator
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Connecting the dots

Win in Water

Water insecurity and regulations are coming for the P&L. CarboNet chemistry lowers CAPEX, OPEX, and emissions.